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Considers offers

Meleuz, willing to relocate (Kazakhstan, Nizhnekamsk, Svobodny), not prepared for business trips

Document controller

  • Clerk, archivist
  • Other
  • PC operator, database operator
  • Office manager
  • Secretary, executive assistant, assistant

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 16 years 2 months

February 2023currently
2 years 2 months
LLC MT Russia / ООО МТ Руссия


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Document Controller
Ensure Equipment Technical Passports, Manufacturer Data Books (MDB), Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manuals (IOM), Manufacturing Data Records (MDR), Certificates & Test Reports circulation on a construction site in a Field Engineering Department. Acceptance, registration of TPs, FIDO original hardcopies delivered by Vendors. Review status of original docs: revision, code of approval & content with EDMS "Capital Project". Issue comments to Vendors. Communication with Incoming control, Purchasing Departments when mismatches take place in process of TPs hardcopies review. Handover original TPs, FIDO to General Contractor & Client. Preparation and distribution of weekly Vendor Document Report to DCC Manager, Status of Technical Passports Report to General Contractor.
June 2021December 2022
1 year 7 months
Petrofac Facilities Management Limited / ООО Петрофак

Nogliki, www.petrofac.com/

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Technical Specialist (Quality Control)
Location: Sakhalin Island, Project: Sakhalin-2 (Booster pump station). The status of the organization: General contractor. Quality control department. Maintain a full cycle of document control process of as-built documentation for all types of construction and installation activities. Acceptance, registration, documentary verification of acts, in accordance with the requirements for the structure and procedure as-built documentation, the current issue of the turnover documentation. Transmittal to the Client for signing. Uploading the signed as-built documentation to the Electronic Document Management System. Registration, numbering & format review of Non-Conformance Reports, Requests for Inspection, Punch Lists; Method Statements, Process Flow Charts, Inspection & Test Plans as per Master Document Register. Prepare and issue weekly status Documentation reports. Coordination of documentation flow with a Client, Contractor, Sub-contractors. Manage archival activities for controlled documentation. Understanding of the types and stages of work on the construction site. Experienced in Technical Request support as Document Controller in Field Engineering Department.
March 2019June 2021
2 years 4 months
LLC Tecnimont Russia / ООО Текнимонт Руссия


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Document Controller
Amur AGPP. Performance DCC activity in Field Engineering Department. Fill in all technical documentation received or issued by Site. Monitor data & technical documentation according Company standards. Coordination of review, approval, distribution of TQ (Technical Queries to change DRWs on Site, Method Statements, Pile Test Programs). Assist in the management of MDR, including engineering drawings, manufacturing data books, reports in the collation & distribution of document management reports for the Client & project team.
February 2018July 2018
6 months
“Project Management of Construction Contracts” LLC

Saint Petersburg

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Project administrator
Document management - incoming, outgoing, internal docs & letters, scanning, checking correspondence, accounting, archiving; preparation & coordination of letters & notes, maintenance of MOMs; in term project reporting, project presentations, official business correspondence; administrative & economic activities.
October 2014December 2017
3 years 3 months
Entrepose Contracting (Vinci group)

Sabetta (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area), www.entrepose.com,https://www.vinci.com

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Document Control Specialist
Entrepose (Vinci group) controlled construction of 4 Tanks on Yamal LNG plant in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomus Area (Sabetta). Duties: - Interface with a Client and Subcontractors. - Manage all aspects of the controlled documents system, both electronically and paper copies. - Review and proofread documents for consistency of document format and system concerns. - Process all documentation received in DC in accordance with prescribed matrices within agreed timescales. - Process both design and vendor documents in accordance to corporate or project procedures. - Collect and Review Quality Inspection reports (Field Inspection Report, Non-conformance Report, Technical Query, Technical Deviation, Punch List, Request for Inspection) - Hand over project Documents (Final Dossier) to a Client.
May 2011September 2011
5 months
Yamata Yaiyrim A.,S

Russia, www.yamata.com.tr/ru

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Technical Specialist / Технический специалист
- Daily records of welded jobs for weekly manhour report - Fill in welding log - Print, scan working documentation
September 2000April 2004
3 years 8 months
Konnov Y.V. ("Martz" auto spare parts)


Retail... Show more

1C operator, review monthly commodity and money report, inventory.
April 1997July 1999
2 years 4 months
JSC PromStroyService / ООО ПромСтройСервис


Oil and Gas... Show more

Secretary - Translator
Duties: translation, correspondence, database of incoming and outgoing documents, ensuring effective maintenance work on buyers. Other duties delegated by manager.


Skill proficiency levels
MS Excel
MS Word
MS Office
1С: Бухгалтерия
Пользователь ПК
Ведение документации
Ведение переговоров
Бухгалтерский учет
Английский язык
Грамотная речь
Работа в команде
Водительское удостоверение категории B
Заключение договоров
Консультант плюс
Consultant Plus
Document review
Process control
Project Documentation
B2C продажи
Розничная торговля
Работа с ТМЦ
Активные продажи
Проведение инвентаризаций
MS Outlook
Умение работать в команде
Деловая коммуникация
Деловая переписка

Driving experience

Driver's license category B


Higher education

Иностранных языков, Учитель английского / немецкого языков



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter